
Asthma Program

Asthma can take your breath away. The asthma specialists at 开云全站app下载 can help you get it back. Our team is committed to providing each patient with a personalized treatment plan and ongoing education to help them manage asthma and live life to the fullest.

Our Asthma Program

开云全站app下载's asthma doctors are among the best in Chicago. They know that asthma is a common but complicated disease, and they'll take the time to review your history and symptoms before coming up with a customized treatment plan that meets your specific needs.

Your asthma treatment plan will spell out when to take any asthma medications and why. If your asthma is related to an allergy, your plan will include strategies for limiting contact with allergens.

Your plan also will include step-by-step details on how to recognize asthma flare-ups and what to do when they occur.

Your 开云全站app下载 asthma doctor also will partner with other specialists as needed to make sure you get the best possible care, tailored specifically to your needs.

Other specialists at 开云全站app下载 who may be involved in your care include allergists; ear, nose and throat doctors; pulmonologists; primary care doctors; emergency room providers; pharmacists; and nurses.

Rocio's asthma treatment at the University of Illinois Hospital

"I had asthma growing up but not allergies. However, as I got older, I developed severe allergies as well."

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Our Asthma Specialists

Ongoing Asthma Education

Although most asthma treatments include some type of medication, our asthma doctors believe education plays a major role in asthma management. That's why 开云全站app下载 offers an Asthma Education Clinic.

The clinic is for people who have already been diagnosed with asthma. If your doctor thinks your asthma is not as well-controlled as it should be, you may be referred to the Asthma Education Clinic for more information on asthma self-management.

At the clinic you'll learn more about:

  • Asthma action plans
  • How to avoid asthma triggers
  • How to measure how well your lungs are working
  • How to properly use your inhaler

Most patients make one to two visits to the clinic. When your sessions are completed, you'll take home a folder with educational materials to help you continue good asthma control.

A Commitment to Asthma Research

In addition to our expert staff and the individualized patient care we provide, another thing that sets us apart is our commitment to ongoing asthma research.

Our researchers and patient care providers work together to learn more about the causes of asthma in the hopes of finding new treatments for the disease that will help asthma patients live longer and healthier lives.

Our Location

Outpatient Care Center, Suite 3C
1801 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60612

Make an Appointment with an Asthma Specialist

To request an appointment, please fill out the online form or call 312.996.3300.